Everything You Need to Know Before a Tattoo


If you’ve ever wondered whether or not it’s the right time to get a tattoo, then this guide is for you. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about getting inked–from what kind of tattoo will suit your personality best to how much it costs and how long they take to heal after they’re finished.

Why get a tattoo?

A tattoo is a way to express yourself, make a statement and show your personality. It’s also a way to show your beliefs, love and other things that are important to you.

The most common reasons people get tattoos are:

  • To show off their style
  • To express themselves on their bodies (in some way)

What are the different types of tattooing?

There are a variety of different types of tattooing. These include:

  • Sleeve Tattoo – a full-sleeved tattoo on one arm or leg, with the design covering most of that limb. It’s often associated with gang culture and prison tattoos.
  • Half Sleeve Tattoo – this is a half-sleeved tattoo, but it doesn’t cover all of your body like a sleeve does (so it’s not technically considered “full”). Instead, it only covers one side of your upper arm or lower leg–and sometimes just partway down one side if you’re lucky enough to be able to get away with just half an arm/leg covered!
  • Full Sleeve Tattoo – this is when someone gets their whole torso covered in ink! They usually use multiple colors throughout their entire body so that no part looks out-of-place; however some people opt for single color designs instead because they’re more personal than having every inch covered up from head-to-toe

What is a cover-up tattoo?

A cover-up tattoo is a type of tattoo that’s placed over another. It’s used to hide or cover up the old one, and it can be used for many reasons. For example:

  • You may have been in an accident and don’t want people to know about your old tattoo anymore.
  • You may have had a bad experience with your previous tattoo artist and want something different now.
  • The ink looks faded after several years of wearing clothing with its patterned fabric, so you want something new but still classy looking on top of what was there before!

How much does a tattoo cost?

The price of a tattoo is dependent on several factors: the artist, the design and even where you get it done. For example, if you go to an artist who charges $50 per hour or $100 per hour (and not much more), then your hourly rate will be twice what it would be if the same artist were charging just $25 per hour for their time spent drawing out your concept.

Some artists charge a flat rate for everything–but this can get expensive! Others charge by the square inch or by the hour depending on how much time they spend on each image (for example, some might only take 15 minutes). And then there are those who feel they should be compensated based on how long it takes them to complete one piece of artwork–so they may charge more than others because they believe in their craftsmanship or skills as an artist.

How long does it take to heal from a tattoo?

The healing time of a tattoo depends on the type and size of your design. In general, you can expect to see it fully healed after anywhere between three days and six weeks. The length of your recovery will also depend on how well you take care of your body while it’s healing–and whether or not there are any complications during that time period (such as an infection).

If you have questions about what kind of tattoo(s) might be right for you, don’t hesitate to ask! We’re happy to help guide our clients through this process with confidence that we’ll make sure they leave feeling like their new ink is part of them forever.

Is there anything I should know before getting my first tattoo?

Tattoo Numbing cream Is safe to apply before tattoo treatment You won’t be able to remove them if you regret them later or change your mind about getting one in the first place. Tattoo numb effect usually lastsĀ at least 2 hours, so bear this in mind if you are planning a large/intricate tattoo or have a longer tattoo appointment.

is that there are plenty of reasons why someone might want a tattoo:

  • They look awesome! That’s always been my number one reason for wanting my own artwork on my skin. I love looking at other peoples’ tattoos and seeing how different they all look from each other, but more importantly, I love seeing something unique about myself that no one else has ever seen before…and hopefully never will again!
  • It’s fun! Getting something permanently etched into your body gives you the opportunity to express yourself in several ways through art…and although this may seem slightly frivolous or superficial compared with some other forms of self-expression like writing poetry online or volunteering at soup kitchens every weekend (which also give people an opportunity), it’s still very important because they let us know who we really are inside out at all times throughout our lives which gives us confidence when facing challenging situations outside ourselves too.”

When is the best time to get a tattoo removed from my body?

If you’re considering getting a tattoo, the first question to ask yourself is: “Will I ever want this tattoo removed?” The answer to this question is usually yes. Tattoos can be removed by laser and by tattoo removal services–but they’re still permanent.

You also have an option if your artist doesn’t provide their own removal services: find one who does! You’ll just need to make sure that they use safe chemicals and equipment on the area during removal (this should be clearly stated in their price list).

If all else fails, consult with a doctor before making any decisions about removing your ink; sometimes there’s nothing worse than seeing regret on someone’s face after having gotten something permanently etched onto their body…

When you’re planning a tattoo, there’s more to it than meets the eye. You need to consider:

  • How much time will your tattoo take? A lot of artists will ask how long you want your design and then do their best work on it in a single sitting. If this is not something that’s possible for you, or if you have a large piece of work that needs multiple sessions, then make sure the artist knows how long each session will take so they can plan accordingly.
  • What kind of an experience do I want? Ask yourself what kind of an experience it is–do I want something simple (like initials) or more elaborate (an intricate floral pattern)? Are there restrictions on what designs are allowed at different locations/shops? Is there any way they could help me with choosing my design ideas before taking off on our journey together!


You know the basics now. In summary, there are many different types of tattoos and each one will vary in price and healing time. The most important thing is to find a tattoo studio that you trust and plan out your next tattoo with them before doing anything else!

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